Posts Tagged ‘online store’

a long-long time ago….awal dulu rjh mulai online….admin kami pernah bilang, kalau orang Indonesia tuh masih males baca (maaf)…jangan heran deh kalau ntar kita bikin artikel misal seputar mesin jahit atau seputar kain, pasti bakal ada yang nelpon pingin beli mesin, minta dikirimin katalog mesin dll…. 🙂 …. kalau nanti kita bikin artikel, jangan dikira semuanya bakal dibaca (sampe akhir) dan dipahami, cukup baca sepintas, terus cari nomor telepon RJH, langsung deh nelpon ! “mba bisa kirim mesin jahit ke Bogor nggak ?!!” …

haha…nggak apa-apa kok…alhamdulillah kalau masih ada telpon nyasar yang nanyain laen-laen, setidaknya dari segi SEO (walau kurang nyambung) sudah berhasil kan 🙂

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Who are your target customers?

What do they need?

How do you appeal to customers?

How do you convert customers to sales?

What products will you offer and how will you present them?

How will you provide customer service?

How will you get traffic to your site?

How will you fulfill orders?

What will you do to follow order up?

What information will you keep on record?

How will you be personal with each and every customer?

sumber :

visit our online boutique at